Ayurvedic Blog.
Winter in Ayurveda brings 'Kapha season' where the qualities of cold, moist, slow and heavy prevail, beckoning us to slow down, rug up and to stay warm. Ayurveda recommends finding a balance between relaxation and activity during winter to keep our dosha's in harmony. The elements of earth and water govern Kapha dosha providing us with the benefits of strength, stability, structure and fluidity. When this dosha accumulates it can cause us to feel sluggish, tired and full of congestion. Here are my 5 tips to help balance Kapha dosha...
![]() Black Pepper - excellent for stimulating digestion and increasing circulation. Helps to cleanse toxins by heating 'Agni' the digestive fire which in turn helps to rid the body of toxins. It also helps to clear sinus congestion and excess mucus that can occur in winter. Use in: general cooking, to season your food and in Chai tea. Add a pinch of black pepper to a teaspoon of raw honey to help clear congestion. ![]() Cardamom - has a warming action that is particularly good for the cold qualities of Kapha. It helps to stimulate the spleen and remove excess of Kapha from the lungs by promoting Agni. A pinch of cardamom added to milk helps to neutralize it's mucus forming properties. Use in: curries, soups, casseroles. A key ingredient in a Chai tea. Crush the pods to release the seeds and aroma. You can also use ground cardamom. ![]() Turmeric - is an excellent natural antibiotic, while at the same time strengthening digestion. It helps to purify the blood and stimulate new blood tissue. Turmeric promotes metabolism in the body, helping to correct both excesses and deficiencies. It also aids the digestion of protein. Use organic dried turmeric or fresh turmeric root. Use in:general cooking, steep in a tea (1/2 to 1 tspn in a small teapot of water). Add to a fresh vegetable juice. Tea remedy using the above 3 spices... This is a great tea remedy to take with you in a flask. It helps to soothe a sore throat, clear congestion and really helps to lift your spirits when you are feeling run down. In a small saucepan heat: 1 tblspn of freshly grated turmeric and 1 tspn dried turmeric 1 tblspn of grated fresh ginger and 1 tspn of dried ginger Add a generous pinch of black pepper and ground cardamom 1/2 - 1 cup of water When heated through and fragrant, add this mixture to a small glass jar that has been sterilized with boiling water. Add 2 teaspoons of this mixture to a medium sized drinking flask. Keep the remainder in the jar to use over the next couple of days. Add 2 cups pre-boiled water to the flask, add the juice of 1/2 a lemon and a teaspoon of raw honey. Ready to go! Precaution: The ginger in this recipe can increase Pitta dosha. Planting in the garden... A fresh start for my veggie patch with new soil ready for these new seedlings: Do you have a favourite spice to use during winter? What are you planting in your veggie patch? If you feel inspired to share, please click in 'comments' and follow the prompts. Workshops Ayurveda Foundation for Health Workshops - Are you interested in learning more about Ayurveda to support your health? Contact me at [email protected] for details about my next workshop. The information in Nourish Notes is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, prescribe or heal any health condition or to replace standard medical treatment or advice.
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